
Finding Peace in Life's Challenges

Dr. Brooks Demming Season 3 Episode 5

"Life Can Be Difficult, But Take Heart!"

Join me for a powerful discussion on how to find peace in the midst of life's challenges. We’ll dive into John 16:33 where Jesus reminds us that although we will face trouble in this world, He has already overcome it. Whether you're dealing with family struggles, financial stress, relationship issues, or health concerns, this live will offer encouragement and practical steps to experience God's peace.

Let’s talk about how to replace fear with faith, and how to trust God's purpose in every trial.

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Hello, it's me, Coach Brooks. Welcome to Off Balance Podcast. I am so excited. Today, we are going to talk about finding peace in life challenges. You have to find a way to find peace regardless of your situation or your circumstance. Today, our scripture is John, it says, I have told you these things so that in me, you may have peace in this world You will have trouble, but take heart. I have overcome the world. What is what are you talking about, Coach Brooks? Well, this is Jesus speaking to his disciples. And so basically what he's saying is, I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. So Jesus is speaking to his disciples just before his crucifixion. And he's basically preparing them for the challenges ahead. But he's offering them some assurance. Jesus is emphasizing that peace is found in him, not in the world. The peace he offers is deep, internal, and spiritual, far beyond temporary relief or worldly comforts. And so it doesn't matter what your situation is, what your circumstances, you have to rest assured that Jesus is your peace and that he has overcome whatever situation that you're going through. He says, in this world, you will have trouble. Jesus is being honest here. He doesn't promise an easy life or a life free of problems, challenges, struggles, and difficulties are actually a natural part of living in this world. And so for some odd reason, when people accept Christ, they have this false sense of reality that they will not experience any troubles. And so when troubles come, they tend to leave the religion because they are just so confused as to why they are experiencing trouble. But Jesus is telling his disciples, he says, he doesn't promise an easy life or a life full of problems. There will be challenges, struggles, and difficulties, which are a natural part of living in this world. And struggles are universal. This applies to everyone, regardless of status, background, or faith. Financial issues, illness, relationship problems, and personal failures are all a part of the human experience. So we just have to remind ourselves that we are not in this thing alone. We are not by ourselves, that there are other people on this earth that are experiencing similar or the same things. Jesus says, But take heart, I have overcome the world. Jesus provides a powerful encouragement in the midst of his realistic warning. He tells us to take heart or to have courage. By saying, I have overcome the world, Jesus declares his victory over sin, death, and all the powers of the world. His resurrection is proof that nothing, no matter how difficult, can defeat him. And because of this, we can have hope. His victory becomes our victory when we trust in him. That's why it's so important to ensure that you have faith and that you trust in God. Because when you trust in God, you can have peace and you can be okay with whatever the situation is. Even if you experience an unexpected outcome, you can be okay because you know that God is going to work it out for you. So now we're going to break down some common areas where people encounter struggles. Like I said, while life will have its hardships, Jesus promised that we will find peace in him, knowing that he has already conquered every challenge we may face. This gives us hope and courage to face life difficulty, knowing that in the end, his victory ensures our ultimate peace. So we're going to break down some common areas where people encounter struggles within their life. One is family challenges, strained relationships. So when it comes to like family dynamics, they can often be complicated. Miscommunication, unmet expectations, and conflict can strain relationships between spouses, parents, children, and extended family members. And so when people find themselves having family issues sometimes, it can disrupt their peace. Another area is parenting. Raising children can be overwhelming, especially when balancing work, personal responsibilities, and the demands of parenting. Single parenting can also add an additional layer of pressure. Now, if you're caring for age and parent, as parents age, many people find themselves juggling their responsibilities while taking care of an elderly parent, which can also lead to emotional and physical exertion. So that can cause disruption of peace. Grief and loss. Losing a loved one is one of the hardest family challenges. The pain of grief can affect emotional well-being, relationships, and spiritual faith. And so... The family challenges include strained relationships, parenting stress, caring for aging parents, grief and loss. Another area where we can experience trouble is financial struggles. Debt and financial instability, whether it's credit card debt, student loans, or the inability to make ends meet, financial instability is a significant source of stress for many people. Another area of financial stress is job loss. Unemployment or the fear of losing a job can create uncertainty and anxiety about how to support oneself or a family. And so that can cause troubles, that can cause disruption of peace. Rising costs. Many are dealing with the increased cost of living from housing to health care and education, which makes it difficult to build savings or maintain a stable financial foundation. So financial stresses are really, really difficult for most people to endure and so That's why it's very important to have financial literacy to make sure that you have strategies in place to help you with your finances. Unexpected expenses. Life is full of unforeseen circumstances like medical emergencies or car repairs, which can put an extra strain on an already tight budget. That's why it's very important that when you do get extra money that you try your best to save in the event that you have an unexpected expense that it won't cause you to have a domino effect regarding your finances. The next thing is relationship struggles, conflict and miscommunication in relationships. So whether in marriages, friendships, or work relationships, miscommunication or unresolved conflicts can lead to hurt feelings, resentment, and distance. Loneliness and isolation. Despite being connected digitally, many people struggle with loneliness. Finding deep meaning relationships can be challenging and isolation can lead to feelings of unworthiness and depression. And so that's why it's very important to ensure that you don't isolate when you are dealing with troubles. Breakups and divorce. The end of a romantic relationship or marriage is a difficult emotional journey. It involves grief. A sense of loss are often financial and logistical complications, especially when children are involved. The next thing that can cause troubles is Health issues, chronic illness or injury, dealing with a long-term health problem can take physical, emotional, and a financial toll. Those struggles with conditions like diabetes, cancer, or an autoimmune disorder often face daily pain and uncertainty. Mental health struggles, anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions are common struggles for many people. These can affect how someone functions daily often carry a stigma or shame. So if someone is dealing with mental health issues, nine times out of ten, they're more than likely not going to talk about it. And so when you have a mental health issue, it's very important that you have that advocate, that person that you can trust, that confident that you can go and talk to them because you don't want to keep that to yourself. Caring for a sick loved one. Watching a loved one battle illness can be emotionally draining. Caregivers often neglect their own health and wellbeing while caring for someone else. And then aging and decline. As we age, we may face the challenges of reduced mobility, memory loss, or other health declines, which can lead to feelings of fear and helplessness. And so what we discussed was just some things that can cause people to struggle. We talked about family challenges, financial struggles, relationship struggles, and health issues. Each of these areas represent real significant struggles that people face daily. While these challenges can seem overwhelming, John's sixteen thirty three reminds us that we can find peace in Christ even in the midst of these difficulties and that Jesus has already overcome the world, giving us hope for victory through him. So regardless of what you're going through. You have to remember that if you are a believer. You already have victory through Christ Jesus. And so you just have to stand on that. You just have to remind yourself that. How can you find peace in the midst of trouble? Philippians four, seven says, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. In this verse, Paul speaks of peace that surpasses our human understanding. So let's unpack that because you're probably like, Coach Brooks, what does that look like? The peace of God. This is not just any peace, but the peace that comes directly from God. It is a type of peace that only he can give. It's rooted in his love, his sovereignty, and his faithfulness, which surpasses all understanding. God's peace is beyond what we can fully grasp It doesn't always make sense to the natural mind, especially in situations where we should feel anxious or afraid. For example, a person might feel peaceful even when facing a serious illness or a difficult situation, something that defines human reasoning. So that's why I like when you see people that get terminal cancer diagnosis and they still have faith and they still say they're fighting the good fight and they still don't doubt what God is going to do for them. That's that peace that surpasses all understanding. They're like, I know what this paper says. I know what the scan says. I know what all the test results says, but I believe by faith that God is going to heal me. That's that piece that surpasses all understanding. Will guard your heart and mind. the word guard is a military term that refers to soldiers standing watch over sea god's peace stand like a guard around our hearts which are our emotions and our minds which are our thoughts protecting us from the destructive effects of fear anxiety and despair it prevents those feelings from taking over allowing us to live in a state of inner calm that's why it's so important that we find the peace of god so that we can live in a state of calmness and we won't be anxious we won't be afraid and we would just know that we have the peace of god what does peace in Christ mean I'm glad you asked peace in Christ refers to a deep sense of inner calm and confidence that comes from a relationship with Jesus regardless of what's happening around us I'm going to repeat that because that's very important Peace in Christ refers to a deep sense of inner calm and confidence that comes from a relationship with Jesus, regardless of what is happening around us. This peace is different from what the world offers. It's not tied to external circumstance like success, comfort, or the absence of conflict. Instead, it is a spiritual peace rooted in trust, faith, and assurance of God's presence and control in our lives. Key aspect of peace in Christ is you have to remember that it's supernatural. The peace that Jesus offers is not something we can achieve by our own efforts or by controlling our circumstance. It comes from God and God alone and is given through us through Christ Jesus. It's described as a gift that transcends our natural understanding and ability. Number two, we have to remember that it's not dependent on our circumstances. Unlike worldly peace, which is often tied to good health, wealth, or smooth relationships, peace in Christ remains constant, even when life is chaotic or painful. Whether we are going through a personal loss, financial hardship, or health issues, Christ's peace is present to sustain us. The word says that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So his peace is the same. It's constant. It's not going to change regardless of our situation or circumstances. So we just have to know that unlike what we have going on, God, peace is constant. It's rooted in trust and faith. Peace in Christ rolls from our faith that God is sovereign and in control no matter what we face. When we trust that he is working all things for our good. Remember Romans eight, twenty eight. All things works together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. So we trust. Know that it allows us to release worry, fear, and anxiety knowing that his plan is perfect. See, we have to know that God's plan is perfect. Even if the plan is not the expected outcome that we thought it would be, it's still perfect. So we just have to remember that God's plan is perfect. And also the peace guards our hearts. Christ's peace acts as a protector. When our minds are filled with worries, doubt, and fears, his peace acts as a defense against mental and emotional chaos, helping us to focus on his promise rather than uncertainties of life. So that's a good thing. What are the key aspects of the peace? It's supernatural. It's not dependent on circumstance. It's rooted in trust and faith. It guards our hearts and minds. That is just a beautiful thing to know that the peace of God guards our hearts and our minds. And so we should really, really just bask in that because that is just so special to know that God loves us so much that he has peace that guards our hearts and our minds. How do we experience peace in Christ? How do we experience peace in Christ? In order for us to experience the peace of Christ, we have to have a relationship with Christ. So what we the first thing that we want to do is we want to pray and we want to surrender. Philippians four and six. tells us to pray and present our concerns to God. When we choose to surrender our worries and trust him, we open ourselves up to his peace. This means acknowledging that we can't control everything and handling and handing our burdens over to God. So we have to know you can't control everything. I can't control everything. Our earthly parents can't control everything. We have to hand it over to God. Next, we have faith in his promises. Peace comes when we cling to God's promises and believe that he is faithful to carry us through. Scriptures like Romans eight, twenty eight and Isaiah twenty six and three, which says you will keep in perfect peace. Those who minds are steadfast reminds us that God is always working on our behalf. Remember, I said Romans eight, twenty eight. All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. Isaiah twenty six and three says you will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast. So both of those scriptures remind us that God is always working on our behalf. Even when it doesn't look like how we expected it, he's still working it out. His plans are perfect. We have to focus on Christ and not the circumstance. Peace in Christ comes when we fix our eyes on him rather than the storms of life. Remember the story of Peter. Peter walking on water in Matthew fourteen. When he focused on Jesus, he was able to stay above the waves of trouble. But then as soon as he took his eyes off Jesus, he began to sink. So we have to remember that when we focus on Jesus, we can stay above the waves and trouble. And it's when we focus on our circumstance that we will begin to sink. So always focus on Jesus. Don't take your eyes off Jesus. I know it can get hard. I know you can say, Coach Brooks, you don't understand what's going on. You don't have a clue. But I can tell you I am human as well. And I have also experienced trouble. But what I have to realize is I have to give that to God because I can't do it in my own strength. The Lord is our strength. The Lord is our refuge. The Lord is our strong tower. The Lord is our king. And so we have to trust that he is going to protect us. We have to trust that he is going to care for us. We have to trust that he is going to see us through. And so let's do a recap. The foundational scripture was John's. Sixteen. Thirty three. Jesus said, I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace in this world. You will have trouble, but take heart. I have overcome the world. Like, just think about that. He's saying you will have trouble, but be courage, be encouraged because I have overcome those troubles. We have to know that the peace that we desire is found in Jesus is found in God is found in the Holy spirit. Even though we're going to have troubles, regardless of our education, regardless of our ethnicity, regardless of our background, regardless of our social economic status, we will have troubles. Troubles are universal is universal. So the first thing that you have to acknowledge is that you will have troubles. It doesn't matter if you're Christian. It doesn't matter if you're not Christian. You will have troubles. But take heart. Jesus says he's overcome the world. Jesus declares his victory over sin, death, and all the powers of the world. His resurrection is proof that nothing, no matter how difficult, can defeat him. And because of this, we can have hope. His victory has become our victory when we trust in him. That's why it's very important that you trust in him. That's why it's very important that you read your word. It's very important that you pray. It's very important that you consecrate so that you could build your relationship with our father and so that you can increase your faith. In order for you to have that peace, you have to first believe that that peace is available to you. And how can you do that? By increasing your faith. How can you increase your faith? By spending time with him. It says faith comes by hearing the word of the Lord. So you have to spend time with him. Our key focus was some of the common areas that we encounter struggles. We talked about family challenges, We talked about financial struggles, relationship struggles, and health issues. Although each of those areas represent real and significant struggles that many people face daily, while these challenges can seem overwhelming, How do we find that peace? Philippians four seven, it says, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understandings will guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus. So we have to make sure that we are praying, that we surrender to God, that we have faith in his promise, that we focus on Christ and not the circumstance. We have to focus on Christ and not the circumstance. So I am going to close us out in prayer and I pray that as you listen to this episode today that you find the peace of God in the middle of your challenges. That you know regardless of the situation that God's peace is available to you. And you have to believe that you are deserving of it. You have to believe That God loves you. He knows you. He cares for you. Heavenly Father, we ask for your peace. The peace that your word says surpasses all understanding to guard our hearts and minds during difficult times. Lord, I pray now that each and every person that listens to this episode, Father God, that you help them to trust you, that they have confidence, Father God, that all things will work together for the good of them. Even, Father God, if the outcome is not what they expected, that it's still going to work out for their good. And Lord, I just ask now that you give us strength to endure any of the challenges that we may face, that you renew our strength, Father God, as we wait on you. God, give us the ability to wait with patience. Give us the ability to wait, God, with a spirit of expectations and that we are not complaining, that we are not doubting. that we have no fear or anxiety, Father God. So Lord, I just thank you now that as we wait, we will be bold and courageous, knowing that by faith, God, that you are going to do exactly what you said you would do, because your word says that you are not a man that you should lie, and you are not the son of man that you should lie, that you actually watch over your word to perform it. So Lord, we just thank you for being a God that doesn't sleep nor slumber. We thank you, Father God, that you are a God that watches over us and that you are a keeper. And Lord, we pray that you would deliver us from the spirit of fear and replace it with power, love, and a sound mind. And Lord, I just pray now that when fear and anxiety threaten to overwhelm us, Father God, that you remind us of your promises and that you fill us with courage. Lord, give us the ability to have confidence in you. And Lord, I just thank you that even when we walk in the darkest valley, God, that you remind us that you are with us because your word says that you would never leave nor forsake us. And God, just help us to remain in your grace and just help us to have a heart of gratitude, even in the midst of challenges. Give us the perspective, Father God, that we see your blessings in every situation. And Lord, we just thank you now for all that you are about to do. We thank you, Father God, for turning the situation around for us. And Lord, I pray now that you surround us with like-minded people, Father God, that people that seek faith, people that know, Father God, who you are, people, God, that are going to encourage us when we're down, people, Father God, that are going to speak life over us. And so, Lord, we just thank you that we can have relationships, God, where we share our faith. We can have relationships, Father God, that strengthen us because your word says that iron sharpens iron. And so, Lord, we just thank you for those that you have in our life. I thank you, Father God, for your gift of peace which is the divine gift, Father God, that is not dependent on external circumstance. And I thank you, Father God, now that we can't even fathom what it is because it surpasses our understanding. And I thank you, Father God, that through faith, that through faith, Father God, that we can find peace. And so, Lord, we just love you and we honor you. And we seal this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus. And we say, amen. So again, I pray that you have enjoyed this episode. I want you to know that regardless of your situation, regardless of what you have going on, the peace of God is your portion. You do not have to be anxious, scared, any of those things. Stand firm on the word of God and know that his peace is yours. So meditate on John's sixteen thirty three and join me for the next episode.

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